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Cooking at Cumberland with Gabriel Gaté

On Thursday 11 July, residents at Cumberland View Retirement Village were treated to a special morning with a live cooking demonstration by internationally renowned French chef, Gabriel Gaté. My Gaté shared his three best courses that are simple and easy to make for singles and couples, that require minimal ingredients and is both time and cost-effective.

‘For many residents who move into a retirement village like Cumberland View, they’re either living on their own or with their partner, and it can be hard to find a recipe that allows them to only cook for one or two whilst meeting nutritional requirements,’ says Nick Anand, Cumberland View Retirement Village Manager. ‘It was wonderful to see how happy and engaged residents were with the event, it’s important that we host such events in our village to connect residents and create a vibrant community.’

For Cumberland View Retirement Village resident, Jan Bourke, who has lived at the village for 11 years says that these kinds of events provide a sense of care, connection and community which is why she chose to live at Cumberland View. ‘I love the people here, everyone is so friendly,’ says Jan. ‘I wish I made the move ten years before I did.’

Jan is on the residents committee at the village and helps run regular events such as the monthly residents’ dinner and assists in creating the monthly village newsletter

To find out more about any upcoming events at Cumberland View or to book a private tour of the village, please contact us on (03) 9795 9166.

Photos from the event below.

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